Logistics Network Consultancy

Streamlining your logistics network for speed, service and value.

Logistics Network Solution Design

In a complex and ever changing world, getting the right logistics network can seem challenging and daunting. ASCALi works with clients to ensure that they create the right logistics network that delivers efficiency for current operations and the flexibility you need to meet changes in the future.

Distribution centre network evaluation

Getting the right network structure to service your customers

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How many distribution centres do we need? Where should they be? How big should they be? What shall each do?

These are the kinds of questions our logistics experts can help you answer.

Planning out an effective Logistics network solution is critical to the future development of your product offer as you grow and change.

We can help you build the picture of what is needed to make your overall solution work for you. Our Logistics Consultants are highly experienced at scoping, defining and designing great logistics networks. We use a very clear and robust methodology to ensure that all the necessary opportunities and constraints are factored into our thinking so you get a solution design that is practical, cost effective and works for your organisation.

Route to Market, customer & product strategy

Supplying your customers through the right channels at the right time and right cost

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Using your delivery network to maximise customer advantage means understanding the behaviours of your market, your customers and your products.

Our team can help you understand and categorise each of those functions of your supply chain to help you optimise which products you service through which channels to which customers.

Our role in the process is to help you develop a strategy that maximises your customer engagement and service capability, whilst keeping a tight grip on cost, ensuring that you have the requisite products available and on hand for quick delivery.

Network control tower solutions

Optimising multi-site transport solutions

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Transport networks can be extremely complex, with a number of moving parts.

We help our clients to develop Control Tower solutions that help bring control and clarity to their network solutions.

Knowing precisely the plan and objectives for your fleet movements can help operators to quickly and efficiently react to changing circumstances. This helps drive flexibility and sustainability into transport solutions, whether in-house or contractor operated.

From basic management oversight solutions to the implementation of complex Transport Management Solutions (TMS) our Transport Focused specialists can help you achieve your logistics goals, to cut costs, improve environmental performance and improve service.

Logistics Network Implementation

ASCALi knows how hard it is to deliver change in just one operation. Trying to achieve change across an entire network whilst maintaining focus on BAU service delivery can often seem impossible. We work with clients to help them accelerate network change with minimal disruption with a constant focus on maximising customer service throughout.

Network migration management

Bringing change seamlessly

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Making changes within your distribution network can add considerable risk to your business and its customer service levels.

We can help you plan out the best route to change your network whilst achieving your objectives.

Whether you have lease ends or breaks to hit, new markets to start servicing or changes in product set, we can put together the right plan to change your network in the right way.

Distribution centre consolidation

Reducing cost not service

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Consolidating distribution centres (DCs) down from multiple sites into fewer locations often sounds like a Quick Win for businesses.

It definitely can be, but only if change is managed effectively with strong up-front planning to ensure that service and cost are maintained and the benefits are delivered

Whether it is to and additional in-house DC, or to an outsourced 3PL vendor, we can help you manage your consolidation process using our years of experience of Logistics Network and DC change management.

Inventory transition management

Getting the right stock to the right place at the right time

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Moving inventory around a network to be in the right place may not be as straightforward as you might expect.

We can help you plan how to move inventory in a way that does not damage customer service and impact availability.

We can help you manage the planning of inventory migration, as well as the physical execution of that change. Our team are able to help keep transition management costs to a minimum.

Logistics Network Optimisation

Accelerating network performance is about more than just tweaking around the edges. Getting the most out of your logistics network is about identifying all those things that can make you be more efficient, leaner, greener, and more in tune with your customer and supplier bases.

Customer and product allocation and segmentation

Ensuring the right products are sourced from the right place through the right channel

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It is easy for businesses to drift and service customers from the wrong locations, or have the wrong product mis-located within a logistics network.

We can help you understand your product and customer behaviours so you can ensure the right Customer and the right product are located in a way that reduces cost and maximises service.

Our team can help you analyse your customer and product sets to define how best to you meet the service criteria you wish to achieve.

Route to market and value chain analysis

Streamlining your network

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Our team can help you ensure that your network is balanced and giving you the best possible opportunity to service your existing and prospective customers.

We can examine your upstream and downstream processes to work out if alternative methods of servicing your customer base may be available to you and establish how best to achieve them.

Analysis such as this may not be as complex as you might think. We can help you access the right data and knowledge in your business to get to these answers quickly.

Inventory Optimisation

Maximising availability; Minimising Capital

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Many businesses struggle to keep the right levels of inventory present within their business. Our team has extensive experience in managing business inventories and are ready to help you optimise your level of inventory to help you keep your business moving forward.

We can help you work out which products you should keep in stock and to what level.

We can help you work out how best to manage your supplier and product minimum order quantities (MOQs) whilst keeping best use of your capital and reducing cash tied up at inventory.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you only operate in the UK?
We are based in the UK, but we operate internationally. Our team has delivered many supply chain, logistics, warehousing and transport initiatives across the globe. We can help UK businesses optimise their international supply chains, as well as help international businesses optimise their activities within the UK.
We are a small company. Can you help us streamline our supply chain?
Yes, we can provide our industry-leading expertise to companies, large and small. We can tailor operational solution reviews that can meet almost any scale of operation’s budget. Our engagements can be from as little as two days or more, depending on the scale of your operation.
Where are you based?
Our head office is in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. Our consulting team is spread far and wide throughout the UK. We are able to support our clients no matter where they operate, either at home or abroad.
Can you design our distribution centre network?
Yes, we can help multi-site and even multi-national organisations develop the optimum number of distribution centres and types of operation to best meet your business needs. Dependent upon your customer service objectives and cost aspirations. We can help you ensure that you have the right facilities to position your business to deliver both now and in future to your customer requirements.
Can you tell us how many distribution centres we need?
Yes, we can help you work out the right number of distribution centres and of what type to ensure you get your product to your customer at the right time with the right cost.
How long have you been delivering consulting solutions for your clients?
Our team have been delivering outstanding consulting solutions since 2002. In that time we can demonstrate that we have delivered over 500 client projects across 250+ clients in 24 countries.
What sectors do you work in?
We work in all business sectors that involve moving product. From bulk shipments right the way down to the smallest parcel operations. We can help with transport, warehousing logistics and supply chain solutions in any manufacturing, retail distributor or e-commerce business.
Do you come to our site or do you work purely remotely?
Where it is the right thing for your project for us to come to your operations and offices, we will do that. We will work remotely when this is the best way to achieve the best value for you in delivering our work. We will always try and work in the most cost-effective and environmentally sustainable way, and where remote working and video conferencing is the right thing for specific phases of our project work we will do that. This also helps us minimise travel costs as well as our carbon footprint.
We are changing our logistics network, can you help us achieve this?
Yes, delivering supply chain and logistics change is one of our key business attributes. We can help you change the number of distribution centres you have or how you profile product and customer allocation between your different fulfilment solutions. We will work to understand your commercial aspirations and competitor landscape to ensure that your solution gives your business the strongest possible base to succeed.
We think we have too many distribution centres, can you help us?
Yes, our evaluation process will help you understand what the impact are of changing your logistics footprint. We can also advise you on the challenges and benefits of making changes to your operating network and how best to minimise risk and maximise service and cost opportunities.

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