Accelerate Your Supply Chain

Organising your supply chain to deliver great customer value.

Supply Chain Solution Design

How do you design a supply chain? This is the question our clients often ask us when they know they need to change but don’t know what to change. There is no one simple answer. In essence it is all about you… your company, its suppliers, its customers and what other factors you see as important. The big thing we do is listen…

Supply Chain Strategy

Setting the right supply chain structures and policies for your business

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Defining your supply chain strategy goes to the heart of your entire business. To develop that strategy you have to understand your entire set of values and goals.

How you then build a great infrastructure to deliver that vision is where our Supply Chain expertise comes in.

We can help you work through your vision and your commercial proposition to help you build a plan for delivering continued success for your business.

We can help you piece together all the interlinked elements of a robust supply chain that can be formed to create a strong and stable solution that can help your business flourish.

Route to Market

Getting your products to your customers in the most effective way

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Efficient Route to Market (RTM) strategies can help businesses achieve much more than they otherwise may have thought possible.

A one-size-fits-all approach to customer solutions does not always work for companies that sell a broad array of products.

There are a growing number of ways in which companies can meet and exceed customer expectations, developing streamlined product sourcing and supply methodologies that can be interlinked to create an overall fulfilment solution.

Our team of Supply Chain professionals can help you understand the choices available and set strategies and structures than can add real value to your customer proposition.

Supply Chain Data Analytics

Using your data to build competitive advantage

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Deep Supply chain analytics is the way to maximise the use of the information at your disposal to create clear picture to support operational, tactical and strategic decisions.

Big data can be used to support day-to day tasks such as order placement and labour planning, through to producing detailed growth forecasts to underpin the design of your future supply chain.

Data analytics is the tool of choice for those who wish to maximise the commercial advantage of their supply chain data. Our data expert team use your commercial data to help you drive supply chain choices in a clear and focused way to reach the best outcomes.

Supply Chain Implementation

Accelerating your supply chain means taking you out of your comfort zone. Change will not only be within your business. You will ask your suppliers and business partners to change too. That may seem challenging but ASCALi are here to help you make the case and sell the vision.

Digital Supply Chain

Connecting your customers to your service proposition

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Developing a clear and simple service offer for your customers through the application of a well thought out digital strategy is a great way to extract the maximum value from your supply chain.

Our expert consultants can work with you to help broaden your horizons and ensure the best use of data and information is made to support your organisation.

Your use of the data available to you is a key theme of this strategy and is central to how you should structure your solutions.

Integrated Business Planning

Establishing connected business planning structures to drive efficiency

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Across your supply chain there are many varied but interrelated operations map all rely on the smooth transition of data and information to enable them to run seamlessly and efficiently.

By implementing integrated business planning techniques into your organisation you can ensure that each of the separate elements in your supply chain are working harmoniously, each supporting the others to deliver effective supply chain results.

Our team of supply chain expert consultants can help you establish the right integrated business planning processes to help you ensure costs are minimised and service is maximised.

Supply Chain Systems

Using the right systems for the right tasks

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There are a myriad of IT solution options open to organisations when setting up their supply chains. There are long established multi-disciplinary ERP solutions through to tasks specific Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions available to help you streamline specific elements of your operations.

Our expert team can help you get the right structure for your business that can help you to maximise efficiency, add resiliency and help you get the most value from your business control solutions.

We can focus on specific functional solutions such as e-commerce fulfilment; Warehouse Management Systems (WMS); Purchasing systems; Demand Forecasting Systems, or full ERP solutions, helping you make the right choices for your systems architecture.

Supply Chain Optimisation

The only thing you can guarantee about your supply chain is that it is never perfect. There will always be things to do to streamline your end to end global service proposition. Whether it is driven by customer behaviour, supplier capability / security or advances in technology, ASCALi can help you optimise your supply chain.

Procurement & Product Management

Getting the right Purchasing processes in place to meet your demands

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How you set out your purchasing teams to organise the supply of product into your business is pivotal to your continued success.

Knowing that you have the right processes and people in place to ensure you maximise your buying efficiency and that you are delivering real competitive value helps you secure increased margins and greater profitability.

Your purchasing team has to function in an integrated way within your supply chain infrastructure and our team have all the expertise you need to help you assess your current performance. We can then develop programmes to help you identify process, systems and organisational improvements.

Demand Planning & Forecasting

Maximising availability; minimising inventories; Increasing control

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Demand planning and forecasting is an essential element of your supply chain function, and our team have years of experience in developing and delivering Planning and forecasting optimisation.

Having the confidence to predict when the demand will materialise for your products offers so many supply chain advantages. It helps with managing supplier relationships, understanding the impacts of product MOQs and lead times on your costs and service levels. It helps you work out how much warehouse space you’ll need to hold the stock you require, and it will help you establish forward how much resource you’ll need to have available to meet your demands efficiently.

It even helps with the often tricky challenge of managing cash flows and supplier payments. In short it goes to the heart of how you run your business.

Sales & Operations Planning

Connecting your Integrated Business Planning processes

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Sales & Operations Planning (or S&OP for short) is the process which integrates your periodic planning and forecasting solutions, your procurement processes and your real-time sales data to create a fully integrated inventory planning solution.

Companies with evolved S&OP processes are able to demonstrate their ability to rapidly and flexibly respond to changing variations in customer demand, and to constantly evolve ever more accurate forecasting and procurement techniques.

Our team of expert Supply Chain professionals are able to work with clients to evaluate and evolve their S&OP processes, creating lean, integrated solutions that add real value.

Case study

Warehouse capacity and efficiency SME

This case study demonstrates that you do not need to be a large-scale business to benefit from the value of ASCALi Consultancy expertise. Our experience and methods can easily be applied to the smallest of warehouse operations to add real value to the development of growing SME businesses.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you supply chain expert?
Yes, we have over 20 years experience of delivering supply, chain, optimisation, design and implementation programmes for a range of customers across the UK and Europe. We pride ourselves on our expertise to deliver the right supply chain solutions for our clients, large or small.
Can you help us cut inventory?
Yes, our supply chain specialists are fully conversant in all the latest inventory management techniques to help you and your organisation get the right level of inventory to meet your customer service aspirations in the most cost-effective way. We can help you identify the correct levels of stock and safety stock based upon your network, supply base and your operating needs to ensure that you develop solutions that provide the optimal capacity to meet your customer needs as well as limit the amount of capital tied up within the business.
Can you help us with our end to end supply chain?
Yes, we can help you develop streamlined end to end solutions from point of raw material supply through manufacture to secondary and tertiary distribution and final mile delivery. Our expert team of consultants are fully conversant with achieving optimal supply chain solutions for organisations, both large and small.
Can you help with integrated business planning?
Yes, we help clients, large and small develop the most streamlined methods to optimise their full business planning processes. This includes optimising the planning of entire supply chains as well as integrated intra-logistics planning solutions.
Can you help us implement an ERP solution?
Yes, we can help you scope, identify and implement the right ERP solution to meet your businesses needs. We are not aligned to any one ERP vendor, and can therefore help you to establish the right solution for your needs with true impartiality.

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