Warehouse Consultancy

Ensuring your fulfilment solution provides a fulfilling experience.

Warehouse Solution Design

ASCALi make sure that you design the right fulfilment solution to meet your current and future operating needs. From the smallest SME e-commerce operations right up to the most complex automated multi-channel fulfilment solutions, our team can help you size, design and demonstrate the business-case value of your new distribution centre.

Warehouse layout design and evaluation

Delivering Great Warehouse Solutions that add service value and efficiency

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Whether new build, refurb or refresh, our team of expert solution designers are able to design and specify the right warehouse solution for your needs.

Our approach is very clear and open, and we work closely with you to ensure that the solution design fits your precise requirements for now and for the future.

Critical to success is our approach to learning about your needs, that focuses strongly about the things that make your business profitable, and that keep your customers coming back to you. We then align these factors to solutions that provide the best possible return on investment to ensure you develop lean, cost effective solutions that last.

Automated warehouse solution design and evaluation

Used the right way, automation can bring supreme efficiency

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Our team have implemented, worked in and designed automated solutions in a range of environments.

We know that not all automation needs to be hugely complex. Often the best uses of automation can result from the most simple but effective designs. We can help you to evaluate what would and would not be right for your operations and can help you access the right automation providers to supply what you need.

Our experts’ knowledge of the ever evolving robotics and automation landscape can help you to establish the most viable solution for you with the best return on investment.

Product layout design

Ultimate Optimisation of your solution making your operations efficient

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A great solution design delivers the best results when the finer points of its design are truly optimised.

Designing and balancing product location layouts safely and efficiently in your warehousing can help you achieve those few extra incremental points of efficiency improvement that can make all the difference to your bottom line.

Our team of highly experienced warehouse optimisation experts can help you plan out your detailed product layout to guarantee that every time you ask your staff to assemble a customer order, it takes the shortest amount of time possible.

We will align your layouts to match your best processes to keep efficiency high and congestion low. If we think your processes cold do with optimisation, our experts will advise on that too.

Warehouse Implementation

We are here to help you get your change done. Whether it is an implementation of a new solution, an IT system, new processes or management and labour organisation structure, we can help you navigate the path to acceleration accurately and on budget, for any solution we design or a design of your own.

Implementation of new warehouses and distribution centres

Getting things right from day one

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Our team can help you to get your new warehouse operation off the ground in a controlled and cost-effective way.

We are highly experienced in developing implementation programmes to ensure that all the right pieces of your jigsaw are available at the right time to help you get your solution up and running without delay, or cost overrun.

We have worked on implementations for large and small distribution centres, and can tailor our approach to meet your requirements, working with your internal resources where available to minimise cost to your company.

Process change management

Getting the benefits you planned from your process changes

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Change in a logistics environment can often bring a wealth of challenges, and managing that change is critical to the success of your project.

Our team can help you scope out and plan propose changes and help you take those process developments through to successful delivery.

We can help you plan times, resources and people to make sure that change is effective, and then help with post implementation review to help you add continuous improvement once business as usual process has been delivered.

Systems and equipment installation

Maximising your return on investment

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Implementation of new systems and equipment can be fraught with challenges. We are here to help you smoothly and seamlessly integrate new solutions into your business.

Whether you’re installing a new warehouse management system, transport management system,or any other type of system solution, we are here to help you get change implemented.

Our team have worked with many different software and hardware vendors, and can help you get the best possible result from your selected solution.

Warehouse Optimisation

Let ASCALi accelerate your warehouse operations. Using our robust approach to analysing your activity and observing your processes we can quickly identify what you need to do to create a better warehouse solution. Whether you want to cut cost, speed up service, reduce errors, our team is on hand to help you.

People management and KPI tracking and analysis

Getting the right people in place when you need them

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Our expert team can help you assess your true labour requirements at activity level and help you ensure that you have the right amount of direct and indirect resources available at the right time to get the job done.

Whether it is month-to-month seasonal planning or hour-to-hour precise modelling, we can help you cut waste and improve performance.

Our team have been on the coal-face and delivered operational planning solutions in a range of environments. We will work with you to establish the right process for your needs, and can then advise how best to build a labour strategy to meet your requirements.

Process analysis, mapping, evaluation and evolution

Getting your operations in shape to deliver results

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Our experienced team can help you to identify how to streamline and enhance supply chain operational performance within all aspects of your supply chain functions.

With years of experience in supply chain operations we are able to help you identify and deliver the steps needed to improves service and reduce costs.

With our unique ‘IMPACT’ Study we can quickly and accurately help you understand what needs to be addressed first to drive the best improvements.

We can then work with you to create and deliver a robust improvement programme that creates a catalyst for greater efficiency, service and staff engagement.

Equipment & systems specification and selection

Have you the right tools and supporting systems for the job?

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We can evaluate the mechanical handling equipment (MHE) and storage media you need to optimise your product handling and storage.

Making sure you achieve efficient use of space, and can work at the right pace for the tasks required whilst minimising cost helps your operations become, and stay efficient.

Simple changes to MHE and storage layouts can be massively beneficial and can extend the longevity of a warehouse solution considerably.

We can help you assess the latest technology available to provide you with the best scope for driving greater efficiency and safety in your solutions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you experts in warehouse solution design, implementation and optimisation?
Our team have been delivering consultancy solutions in warehousing and logistics since 2002. We have built an enviable track record of delivering results for our clients to help them reduce cost, improve service and increase overall business efficiency in their warehousing operations.
Do you design warehouses?
Yes, we have designed hundreds of warehouse operations across the UK and Europe. Our specialist team of warehouse designers are expert at understanding your businesses needs and ensuring that your warehouse is designed cost effectively and efficiently to meet your requirements.
Do you design automated warehouses?
Yes, we design both manual and automated warehouse solutions. Our team is fully conversant with all the latest technologies being deployed across warehouse operations that can add value to a range of different operating sectors. Our team has designed and implemented automated warehouse solutions in manufacturing retail and e-commerce environments for a range of clients.
Do you only design manual warehouses?
No, we also design automated solutions for our clients. We work with all the main solution integrators to create designs that give you the best mix of operating characteristics to meet your requirements. We do not only provide designs based upon one solution vendor’s options as this limits your ability to get the right solution.
Do you manage warehouse transition?
Yes, we can help you change an existing solution or move from one operation to another. Whilst every project is different, we follow a tried and trusted methodology to ensure that we engage the right people in the process and deliver your change in a cost-effective and timely manner. We specialise in delivering operational solution expertise to the process to ensure that not only do we manage the transition, but we add value as you move through the change. This expertise provides our clients the confidence they need to deliver change successfully.
Can you optimise warehouse operations?
Yes, we can work with you to identify a range of options available to help you optimise your solution. This can cover a range of activities such as operational, layout, reviews, process, reviews, organisational structure, review, and cost and key performance indicator review. We tailor our approach to meet your needs and help you get the best from the process.
Do you support warehouse outsourcing?
Yes, with experience from both sides of the outsourcing line, 3PL and contracting partner, we can help you identify the best solution vendors to help you fulfil your service aspiration. We can then work with you right the way through the process to ensure that your third-party logistics provider delivers upon their promises to you to ensure that your costs are minimised and your service is maximised.
Are you experts in warehouse management systems?
Yes, we can help you Scope, select and implement the right warehouse management system technology to support your business needs. This can include full WMS solutions as well as partial warehouse control systems, solutions and picking media.
Can you help us improve warehouse capacity?
Yes, we can identify ways to get the best possible operating capacity in terms of storage and throughput for your warehouse operations. We can help you identify manual and automated techniques and solution layouts to help you access the most efficient storage solution for your organisation.
Do you operate warehouses?
No, we do not as a business typically operate our own warehousing. However, where you may have specific operational requirements, we can help you draft in managers and teams of experts to help you manage your business as usual or project implementations. We can do this for as long or as little, as you need to ensure your operations get to and remain stable and effective.
Do you have any warehouse jobs?
No, we do not operate our own warehouses and do not recruit warehouse or transport staff directly.
Can you help us reduce warehouse cost?
Yes, no matter what size of operation you have, we are confident that we will be able to help you identify ways to reduce your operating cost or increase your service levels. We have done this in the smallest of operations with Challenger growing companies as well as for some of the biggest names in the world of retail and manufacturing. We can do this across multiple sites and countries where required or in a single operating facility.
Do you design food warehouses?
Yes, our team has both operated and designed all manner of different food warehouse solutions from FMCG, ambient product, frozen warehouses, and chilled goods warehouses. We are conversant in flowthrough and line-pick operations as much as case and unit pick from stock solutions. Our team can design Solutions for any type of food distribution business. See our Case Studies.
What information do you need to design a warehouse?
We will work with you to build the best mix of operational data and business understanding to ensure we capture your needs fully in our warehouse design process. We will work with you to build the best possible picture of your business and will help you bridge gaps in data and information to ensure that the design process is robust and gives you the solution you need.
What size of warehouse do you design?

We work with a very broad mix of sizes and shapes of business. We have designed warehouses from 2,000ft² up to 1,000,000ft² for our clients. Whether you are a challenger business growing at the outset of its development, or a well-established scale business with a large distribution requirement, we can design you a solution that fulfils your needs in the most cost-effective way.

Can you help us implement a new warehouse solution?
Yes, we help our clients from the earliest design stages, right the way through to full implementation of their warehouse solutions. We can do this for solutions we have designed or will do it for you if you have your own solution design in hand. We are happy to work with you to provide the right level of support to help you ensure your new DC implementation is delivered on time to budget.
Do you design e-commerce warehouses?
Yes, we design manual, partially automated and automated e-commerce warehouse solutions for our clients. We also work with clients on multi and Omni channel solution design for businesses, serving retail, wholesale and B-2-C customer bases. We have designed solutions across a range of sectors and can help all sizes of business achieve the optimal e-commerce solution design.
Do you design big warehouses?
Yes, we have designed warehouses up to 1,000,000ft² in footprint. Our team are happy to work with clients, big and small in developing their warehouse solution designs. We are not deterred from looking at different scales of operation, and having designed and operated many big warehouse operations. We are extremely experienced at understanding the challenges and requirements for such projects.
Are we too small for you to help us reduce our cost?
Almost certainly not. We will conduct reviews for small clients that are delivered quickly and with output that will help you achieve benefit. No matter how small your operation, we can tailor a work package to give you what you need to drive benefit in as little as 2 to 3 days, depending on the scale of your operations.
Can you help us develop environmentally sustainable solutions?
Yes, we can help you design new warehousing and enhance existing warehousing through the application of the best mix of energy performance and sustainable environmental solutions. We can help you evaluate means of reducing your energy costs, as well as delivering zero carbon electricity and energy generating solutions.
Do you supply racking?
No, we are not a racking vendor. We work with all the main racking vendors to help ensure where we design solutions, that our clients get the best possible value for the right type of equipment.
Are you warehouse labour agency?
No, we do not provide agency labour or recruitment services.

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